Supplement to Online Tutor subscription
These products are set up as a per student seat supplement to your Online Tutor subscription.
Wall Charts (1 provided per 25 student seats purchased)
-Includes directions, goal arrows and over 700 star stickers
Use the Rocket Math Wall Chart to produce high levels of motivation in your students! Each time a student passes a level in Rocket Math they earn a star sticker and the right to parade up and put it on the beautiful Rocket Math Wall Chart. As the star stickers begin to fill the 24″ x 36″ chart, the success of your whole class is demonstrated graphically, building excitement and pride. Fire your class up by setting intermediate goals and rewards, such as filling four rows in a month, and then celebrate success with a popcorn party! The chart has room for 700 star stickers that come with the poster, a year’s worth of Rocket Math success. Includes directions and four (4) Goal Arrows. Your enthusiasm and the Rocket Math Wall Chart are a winning combination. Click here if you can’t wait to see the directions on how to use the Wall Chart.
Super Hero Rocket Math Cape (1 provided per 100 student seats purchased)
Screen printed Super Hero Rocket Math Cape. Great tool for recognizing and motivating students. This cape is a terrific way to honor students who have accomplished goals such as completing a Learning Track or earning 5 stars for effort in Rocket Math. Let them wear this super cool Super Hero Rocket Math Cape for the day or during Rocket Math practice! Fire up your students to be totally motivated by this inexpensive and recyclable social recognition. Better for them than candy! Small size is 24 inches long, Large size is 38 inches long.
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