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(C) Arrange a Co-Owner in your account

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Want some help with the Rocket Math Online Game account? Add a Co-Owner.

Begin on the orange Schools/School Managers tab on the main rainbow navigation.


Add a school if you don’t have one.

You’ll see the School/School Manager page above.  If there is a school listed there go on to Adding School Manager. If you have no school, like in the picture above, you need to add a school first.  Click on the Add School button and get this popup.


Fill in the name of your school. Create a three-character code for your school.  It is used in importing data into your school.  Hit the green “Create” button at the bottom to make it happen.

1. Add the person you want to be your co-owner — as a School Manager first.

If they are a Teacher Mgr, go to their row in Teacher Mgr and click on the blue upgrade button.  That will upgrade them from Teacher Mgr to School Manager.

If they are not in your system at all then click on the Add School Manager tab.  You’ll see the pop-up below.

You need to fill in their first and last name, their email address and create a password for them.  Select a school for them. The system requires it to process, but it doesn’t matter because you’re going to upgrade them in just a second. They will receive an email with the information that they have an account and the temporary password you created for them.

2. Go to their listing as a School Manager and hit the blue Upgrade to Co-Owner button


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