How Can We Help?
(D) Get a quote
Please order a quote from within your account
I know that paper quotes are usually ordered and sent to the purchasing department, who then makes up a PO and sends it to the vendor (Rocket Math) to be filled. Ordering a quote from within your account will work much faster and better! Most importantly the PO will be guaranteed to apply to your subscription, and it can happen with the speed of electrons. Login at and go to tab (F).
Start on tab (F) the yellow Payment/Renew tab. There are four steps.
Step 1
Click on the radio button to renew. Be sure to change the end date if you don’t want exactly 12 months.
Step 2
Enter the number of seats for which you want a quote. The cost will be displayed based on the number of seats and the length of the subscription. This information will be sent as part of the quote.
Step 3
Two ways to get a quote
(1) You can call Angela at 800-583-0960 for a phone discussion and she can create an official quote for you.
(2) You can click “Send the quote to this person” and enter their name and email address. Hitting the green submit button will send an accurate quote (with all the necessary information for ordering) to whomever you have chosen to receive it. [To save time, find out who this should be. This will enable Rocket Math to communicate directly with them.]
Step 4
Click the green “SUBMIT” button to make it happen.
This will send an accurate quote (with all the necessary information for ordering) to whomever you have chosen to receive it. A quote will not start, renew, or pay for your subscription until we receive a PO.