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The gold standard in research is random assignment to conditions. Our Comparison Study Dashboard can set up a comparative study and assign students randomly to conditions.  The Comparison Study dashboard will help you set up a gold-standard, randomized control trial of Rocket Math against whatever else you wish to compare it.  The Rocket Math students will go through a Learning Track in the normal manner.   You collect fluency data from the 1-minute RACES as they go, after students finish sets A, i, R and Z.

The control or comparison group will simply take the fluency tests at whatever intervals you choose. You begin by clicking on tab (M) Comparison Study Dashboard to set up a study. Watch this short video explanation of how it works.  

Do-a-study-and-share-it to earn a year free!

Discuss the study design with Dr. Don and get his help and approval. Once you collect and share your data by presenting at a conference, publishing it on the web, or submitting to a journal, let us know.  We will credit your account for a free year’s subscription.  We’re serious!
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Rocket Math