Trial users will appear in your account when you are trying to roster (through Clever or ClassLink) more students than you have seats. They are kind of like SRO (Standing Room Only) students and are allowed to use the program for 30 days until you can make arrangements.
Add seats means purchasing more seats.
When you see you have a seat shortage, you most likely need to add seats. The link tells you how.
*Scroll down for how to reduce student logins.
Trial users can go into unassigned seats if you have enough seats.

You see this account above has 128 Unassigned Seats and 124 Trial users. That means there are enough seats to accommodate the trial users. Here’s what you do.
(1) First, display the trial users by clicking on the Trial display button (it goes away when there aren’t any trial users).

(2) Second, select all the displayed trial users (making sure all of them are displayed).

(3) Third, go to Bulk Actions button and pull down to the top item, “Add trial user(s) to the account.”

Then all the trial users will fill seats and you won’t have any more trial users.
*If you don’t want to add seats, you need to reduce student logins. (three options)
Option 1. Change sharing permissions and request rostering.
Find out (from your IT department or from assistance@rocketmath.com) how many students are being shared from ClassLink or Clever. If it is more than the number of seats you expected to buy, then you’ll need to instruct the IT department to include fewer students, classes, grades or sections.
Once they have changed the number being shared, please have an owner (if you’re not the owner) click the button on your dashboard to request a re-rostering of your account and when it’s done the number of logins in your account will come down.
Option 2. Erase manually created duplicate student logins.
If your account had logins that were manually created prior to Clever or ClassLink rostering, you have duplicates for those students. They all have brand new accounts created by Clever or ClassLink which created the oversubscribed condition in your account. One option for dealing with this is to erase the manually created accounts which will delete their previous progress. Students will complain mightily, if they’ve been working for a year, but if it is only a few sessions they’ve done so far, this is easiest.
You can erase these yourself. First, find the manually created logins by sorting by their SSO Id. The manually created logins don’t have an SSO Id. Then select them and go to Bulk Actions. Pull down to “Erase student(s).”
Or you can use the Update Database button. Click that button and start the process with a CSV file you can download from the Update Database button. It can be sorted to put the manually entered logins (ones with no SSO number) at the top. You can delete their rows from the spreadsheet, save it again as a CSV (comma delimited) type file and then re-import the spreadsheet to Update the Database –with the manually created logins deleted–using the Update Database button. If you can’t make that work, you can send it back to
assistance@rocketmath.com to do it for you.
Option 3. Merge. Give us your students’ real names so we can merge the records for you.
This option involves you or your teachers giving us the real first and last names of any students who have not-from Clever or ClassLink usernames. Then we can manually match them to their Clever or ClassLink-created usernames and merge the accounts. If you need to do Option 4 get the same file as above from
assistance@rocketmath.com, add two columns to the left for the real first names and last names of the students with manually created usernames. Then enter their real first names and last names next to their usernames. Then send the file with their names in it to us to do the merging.