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(E) Sections–How to add classes

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You can now add “Sections” to your account and assign students to these different sections.  You need this if a teacher has several classes and wants to view them separately. Sections also come in via Clever.

Video directions of how to add Sections.

Written directions of how to add Sections.

See the Sections tab on the Rainbow main navigation below.

If you click on the Add Sections button, you’ll see the Add Sections pop-up shown below.  You make up a code for your sections (easier to use a CSV if you do), then name the sections for your own understanding, and then select the school from the drop down list.  [If you haven’t created a school and school code yet, go to the School and School Mgr tab and add your school and school code before proceeding with sections.] 

Create as many sections as you need.  Then be sure to hit the green CREATE button to make it happen.

Assign Sections to Teacher Mgrs


You can add teacher mgrs to sections through the CSV import.  Or you can edit any individual teacher.  You get the pop-up you see above.  Sections is the fifth part to fill out.  It has a pull-down menu and you can select among the sections you have set up.  You can add more than one section to a teacher.  You can remove any section by hitting the X.

Be sure to hit the green Save button to make it happen.

Assign students to sections several ways.

(1) If you did this before entering students you can now use the CSV import and add section codes in that column of the CSV.

(2) If you already imported the students, you can also use the “Update Database” button on your dashboard.  “Update Database” will get you a copy of your existing roster.  Save it and then modify it by adding the section codes in the proper column and then save as a CSV (comma delimited) file type.  Then re-import them into the account.

(3) Bulk action.  You select all the students for one section, go to Bulk Actions button and choose “Change Section” and then assign them all to the section by pulling down to select the section you want.  Repeat for other sections.

(4) Individual action.  You can go to the Individual Action button to the right of each students listing on the dashboard and choose “Change Section.”  Pull down to select the correct section for that student.  Rinse and repeat with the next student.


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