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(A) Add School name(s) and school code(s) to your account
Consider using ClassLink Clever secure rostering instead of this process. You need to set up a school name and school code:
1) to do a CSV import of students into your account (you need a school code)
2) if you have district-wide accounts with multiple schools and
2) to have a school manager in addition to the owner.
School Managers can see their school’s teachers and students and can manage Teacher Mgrs and students.
Go in order! (1) Add School(s) and school codes first, then (2) Add School Managers to the schools before you add Teacher Managers or Students. See the bottom of this article if you did this out of order.
Go to the tab Schools/School Managers and click on it to open that page.
Begin by clicking on the blue “Add School” button .
(Step 1) Add School name(s) and code(s) to your account.
Click on Add School button to create or add Schools. You will see this Add School popup. Enter the School Name and your 3 character School Code for each school. For each school you need to create a 3 character code. This is to simplify importing the rest of the student and teacher data. (If you have more than five schools, use the green +Add new school button to add another school field to complete). Once you have all your schools entered be sure to hit the green “Create” button.
(Step 2) Add School Managers
You can simply UPGRADE any of your existing Teacher Mgrs to be the School Mgrs. Go the the Teacher Mgr tab and then click on the light blue button at the end of the Teacher Mgr’s row that says “UPGRADE.” You will have to specify which school they are to manage.
If you need to Add new people to the account to be your School Mgr, click button (2), the Add School Manager button, to add a School Manager to any of the Schools.
You’ll get this pop-up.
Enter the School Manager’s First Name, Last Name, and email address, then you create a Password for them.
Choose the School for which they will be the manager. (See why you have to create the schools first?) Once you have all your school managers listed be sure to hit the green “Create” button.
If they are already in the system as owners of an individual account you will see an alert (see below) that User with this email already exists and you can check to indicate you wish to merge them into your account and take over paying for them.
We will send your School Managers an email that tells them they have been created in your account, where to login, what their password is and where to get HELP. It looks like this.
More than 10 School Managers–import with a CSV file
You can re-use the pop-up for more School Managers. But for larger numbers of schools, we recommend you import them from a CSV file.
Click on +Import School Managers from CSV to get the popup below.
Three steps:
(1) use our required template on which to enter your data. Below see a picture of the template for the School Mgr import.
Note you create a temporary password for each.
Add the 3-character School Code (which you created above) to assign each School Mgr to a school.
(2) Save your file as a CSV (comma delimited) type file,
(3) Import it into the popup.
(Step 3) Add Teacher Mgrs (import with CSV file).
Click here to go to the directions.
(Step 4) Add Students = Assign Logins (import with CSV file)
Click here to go to the directions.
(Uh-oh!) Out of order? Already put in teachers/students BEFORE school code?
You can retroactively add school code to teachers mgrs.
(1) Go into Teacher Mgr list. (2) Select all teachers (3) Bulk actions–choose “Edit School” and then choose the school from the drop down list.
You can retroactively add school code to students.
(1) Go into the dashboard. (2) Display all students. (3) Select all students. (4) Bulk Actions–choose “Change School” and then choose the school from the drop down list.