Worksheet Program subscription
Most of the learning tracks involve peer practice of basic math facts. Students practice saying the facts aloud with the answer while their partner (or tutor) listens and provides corrections or extra practice when needed. Both students get an opportunity to practice for a couple of minutes of daily practice. Then everyone takes a one-minute timing on the facts they are learning to see if they are ready to move on. Each student has an individualize goal based on writing speed. If students are at mastery with the facts learned so far, they color in that level on their Rocket Chart and the teacher moves them on to the next worksheet in the A to Z progression. If they’re not at mastery, they take the worksheet home and practice some more and try it again the next day. Each day’s routine takes about ten minutes and gradually students learn all the facts in the Learning Track.

Click here to sign up for a subscription.
Click below on any Learning Track to learn more about it.
- Beginning Numerals (counting objects) K*
- Rocket Writing for Numerals*
- Conceptual Addition (counting on)*
- Addition 0 through 9s
- Learning Addition How to do Computation*
- Subtraction 0 through 9s
- Learning Subtraction How to do Computation*
- Add-Subtract Fact Families (to 10)
- Add-Subtract Fact Families (from 11 to 18)
- Add to 20 (e.g., 13 + 6, 4 + 11, 15 + 5)
- Subtract from 20 (18-15, 15-5, 19-8)
- Skip Counting
- Conceptual Multiplication
- Multiplication 0 through 9s
- Learning Multiplication How to do Computation*
- Division 0 through 9s
- Learning Division How to do Computation*
- Mult-Division Fact Families to 20
- Mult-Division Fact Families from 21
- Multiplication 10s, 11s, 12s
- Division 10s, 11s, 12s
- Identifying Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions
- Factors (How to find all the factor pairs)
- Learning to Add Integers (positive & negative numbers)
- Learning to Subtract Integers (positive & negative numbers)
- Mixed Integers (add & subtract positive & negative numbers)
- Dictating Sentences (Rocket Spelling)
*This is a teacher-led learning track, rather than peer practice.
Click here to sign up for a subscription.