What do I do with the Goal Sheet?
If you recall from the section “What has to be ready for me to start?” we mentioned stapling a Goal Sheet inside each child’s folder (on the left). We also mentioned that you can find that Goal Sheet at the end of these directions. Don’t remember that? It’s OK, we just told you again. Take a peek at a Goal Sheet while we explain its purpose and use. If you don’t already have copies of the Goal Sheet stapled into each kid’s folder—stop right now and do that. Now? Yes, now!
Stop and Make the Folders Now
It would be really great if we didn’t have to say that again!
What is the purpose of the Goal Sheet? Its purpose is to keep track of each child’s goal for passing the One-Minute Daily Test. Their goal is to write the answers to math facts as fast as they can — without any hesitation. The number of numerals they can write in one minute is the upper limit on their performance—so we set that as the goal. The Goal Sheet also tells you what the goal is for each student for two other purposes, (1) the Placement Probes and (2) the annual goals, but we’ll talk about those later. Just don’t lose those Goal Sheets.
Once you have their Writing Speed Test in hand, you can see how many boxes they filled in in one minute. Circle that entire row. The second column from the right labeled “One-Minute Daily Test” gives you their goal for the One-Minute Daily Test. (You may have noticed that it is the same as the number of boxes filled. Don’t tell anyone, as we would like this to appear as complicated, esoteric, and sophisticated as possible.) Please write that on the line for “One-Minute Daily Test”—the line located at the bottom of the Goal Sheet. Then each day, when students take the “One-Minute Daily Test,” as long they meet or beat their goal, they pass that set. Some kids will have a lower goal than others, but each child passes when he/
she meets or beats their individualized goal. Cool, huh? We think so, too.