Are you off to a good start with Rocket Math?

By now you’ve got Rocket Math up and running in your class.  If you’re hard-working, dedicated and smart you have read the instructions thoroughly.  If you need motivation to do so (I know it’s a lot to read through), check out this blog: Without the directions you may get lost!   So that’s the first thing to know.

If you want to quiz yourself (or your staff) Dr. Don has created a 20 question quiz you can take.  Where, how, and why you might want to do so, is explained in this blog that asks, “Do you know how to make Rocket Math enjoyable?”

Most importantly, you should be walking around during Rocket Math practice listening to your students to be sure they are correcting errors and hesitations the way they should–like every single time!  How important it is for you to be carefully monitoring practice cannot be stressed enough.   It’s not life or death, but it is learning or pretending, so you have to be certain that practice is going as it should.    If you need convincing please read this blog:  Monitor, monitor, monitor!

You can structure your self-evaluation, or get someone else to observe and help you evaluate yourself with the 100 point Observation form.  If you want to know, “How well do I implement Rocket Math?” this is the tool for you.  Click on the link here to get to the blog that will explain it as well as links to the form itself.

Finally, if monitoring or observations reveal that your students are NOT practicing as they should, what should you do about it.  Here is an FAQ on the topic, “How do I get my students to practice math facts the right way?”   And below is a video where Dr. Don shows what you must do to each students how to practice the right way.  Sorry, there’s no exciting gun play or car chases, but this is important to see.  If your students are not correcting the right way, this is what you have to do, so it’s valuable.




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