What Math Facts Should Students Know By 2nd Grade?
Students entering 2nd grade should have memorized basic addition facts to a high level of fluency. There should be no hesitations and no finger counting. But not every first-grade teacher has the skill or tools to help students effectively memorize addition facts. Attempting to teach subtraction facts and the process of subtraction to students who did not successfully memorize addition is VERY difficult. Like, so hard as to cause tears, and not just from the students! Rocket Math offers 2nd grade math worksheets and 2nd grade math games.
What is Covered in 2nd Grade Math?
In 2nd grade, teachers need to help students master at least four math skills in three steps. It’s important that 2nd graders learn these skills in the correct order because each step is dependent on the completion of the prior step.
Step 1. Fully memorize addition facts.
Second-grade teachers must ensure that students have fully memorized the basic addition facts. Most 2nd grade math games will not accomplish this goal. Memorizing addition facts early in the year is crucial because the class needs time to do the next two steps during the year. For this reason, the 2nd-grade teacher needs a systematic, effective, and efficient math facts learning curriculum, such as Rocket Math. If the 2nd-grade teacher is lucky, that was accomplished during first grade. If it was not, it still must be done.
Step 2. Master addition computation while memorizing subtraction facts.
Second-grade teachers must ensure that students master addition computation up to three digits. If students are automatic with the addition facts, this process becomes easy and fun for students. Rocket Math’s Learning Addition Computation worksheet program is a systematic way of teaching computation skills.
The 2nd grade teacher also needs to help their students memorize basic subtraction facts. Learning subtraction facts should not be attempted until students have memorized addition facts fully. Because time is of the essence, a teaching tool with a systematic method of teaching facts efficiently and effectively is needed. Rote memorization is the best method. However, the teacher can have students work on memorizing subtraction facts while working on addition computation.
Step 3. Master subtraction computation.
Second-grade teachers must ensure that students master subtraction computation up to three digits, with and without regrouping. If students are automatic with the subtraction facts, this process becomes easy and fun. Rocket Math’s Learning Subtraction Computation worksheet program is a systematic way of teaching computation skills.
What Should 2nd Graders Know Before Entering 3rd Grade Math?
Before going into 3rd-grade, students should be able to read and write numbers up to 1,000 and have developed a comfortable number sense of numbers up to 100. 2nd graders need to memorize addition and subtraction facts and be comfortable completing addition and subtraction computations. Before 3rd grade, 2nd graders need to start learning how to skip count as a precursor to learning multiplication and have learned the concept of multiplication (be able to figure out a multiplication fact). Rocket Math has a worksheet-based version of Skip Counting that students enjoy. They also sell Skip Counting Flashcards, which I’ve never seen anywhere else.
Rocket Math 2nd Grade Math Worksheets & 2nd Grade Math Game
Both Rocket Math Worksheet Program and Rocket Math Online Game are great tools that will help students learn their math facts. Each program has a different way of teaching, but the idea and ultimate goal for both are the same; students learn math fact fluency and can recall answers instantly. Teachers can choose one or both of these programs to help their 2nd grade students be successful in math.
H3: 2nd Grade Math Worksheets
The Rocket Math Worksheet Program is uniquely effective by using paired practice and having students saying the facts aloud. Students partner up and practice quickly recalling facts together. One student reads the problems and answers from memory. The checker watches for when their partner hesitates to answer. He or she then gives his or her partner more opportunities to practice the “hesitant” facts.
The students switch roles, and after both have answered questions, they take a one minute test on the facts that they have learned so far. If students answer as fast as their fingers will carry them, they pass the level and move on to the next worksheet in the sequence.
Learn Addition and Subtraction facts with these Worksheet Programs for 2nd Graders
For 2nd Grade math students, it’s essential that they master addition math facts and begin learning subtraction math facts. Here are the addition and subtraction fact Worksheet Programs 2nd graders will need to work through. They are listed in the order of priority. Few students will finish all six in one year, but the more they accomplish the better they will know these facts.
(1) Addition (1s to 9s) | (3) Fact Families (+, -) to 10 | (5) Add to 20
(e.g., 13+6, 4+11, 15+5) |
(2) Subtraction (1s to 9s) | (4) Fact Families (+, -) from 11 | (6) Subtract from 20 (e.g., 18-15, 15-5, 19-8) |
Rocket Math Online Game
In addition to worksheets, schools of education tell teachers to use games to “teach” math facts. Unfortunately, most games and fun activities do not help individual students learning math facts to the level of fluency. These games, such as bingo or dice, have several problems:
- Students spend most of their time waiting for their turn rather than practicing facts.
- They do not focus on teaching a small group of facts in a manner that helps students commit them to memory.
- The games do not adjust to an individual student’s level of fluency.
- Students can pace the game slowly enough to have time to figure out facts rather than requiring recall.
- It is difficult to keep every student engaged, as those behind are less likely to participate.
Rocket Math Online Game is an Effective Way to Teach Math Fact Fluency
Unlike card or dice games, some online math games are very effective at building math fact fluency. Games such as the Rocket Math Online Game have several important features that make a big difference.
- Every student is engaged —not waiting for a turn.
- Students learn only a few facts at a time, enabling memorization and recall.
- The game provides lots of focused practice on each set of facts.
- Students only get enough time to use recall to come up with the answers.
- The game gives an immediate correction and extra practice on any facts that students cannot answer quickly.
- The game only introduces new facts once students demonstrate mastery of prior facts.
- The game gives students explicit feedback so they have a sense of accomplishment.
Learn Addition and Subtraction facts with these Online Game Learning Tracks for 2nd Graders
Compared to the Worksheet Program, the Online Game moves students through the Learning Tracks much faster–in a few weeks, rather than months. Therefore you can send every one of the same age through in the same order. For 2nd graders, this is the online game learning track recommended by Rocket Math:
- Addition (1s – 9s)
- Subtraction (1s – 9s)
- Fact Families (+, -) to 10.
- Fact Families (+, -) from 11.
- Add to 20.
- Subtract from 20.
2nd grade math games are a great way to teach students their addition and subtraction facts. Just be sure to find ones like Rocket Math that understand the importance of fact fluency and instant recall.